Stephanie Crocetti

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She/Hers // RYT 200

One of the greatest pleasures of yoga is the feeling that each time I step onto my mat there is something new to be explored. Sometimes I’m met with high levels of energy. In other moments, I feel fatigued. The postures communicate a lot about our physical health. They are forgiving in the sense that they always offer variations to increase or soften their intensity while encouraging us to honor the needs of our body in that moment. Yet, the aspect that keeps me coming back to this practice transcends physicality and lies within the realm of the mind & spirit. The meditation tools for centering and establishing equanimity have been truly groundbreaking in my life. 

Shawn Shaw introduced me to yoga when I was ten years old. I’ve since practiced in Peru, Costa Rica, Austin, TX and Thailand. In 2020 I completed my 200 RYT with Metrowest Yoga and received a certification in Cultivating Compassion through Meditation with RN Karen Mott. As a teacher I value incorporating social-emotional wellness in my classes and intend to leave my students with increased mental clarity while feeling good in their bodies. It is an honor to teach on behalf of Metrowest Yoga.


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Cressida Richards