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Active Peace Yoga with Reggie Hubbard

A Weekend with Reggie Hubbard

Don't miss this opportunity to meet Reggie Hubbard!

Join Reggie for the full weekend or an individual session.

Reggie’s mission is to make the practice of yoga and living the yogic lifestyle more accessible to all - regardless of race, gender, body type or practice level - to form peace of mind and general well-being as a foundation, not as an afterthought.   

Whether through asana, breath work, meditation classes, lectures, workshops and conscious conversations rooted in radical presence, honesty and compassion, the goal is to create healing space for individual healing and collective redemption.

For information check out Reggie’s website:Active Peace Yoga


SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 - Grief Chronicles - A Sangha for healing and transformation 1 - 3pm 

Mainstream notions of yoga practice center around "Love and Light" or "Good Vibes Only," which are neither sufficient for the moment we find ourselves in nor in keeping with the reality of life. And even beyond mainstream yoga, our culture pushes aside grief, sadness, and disappointment, alienating us from one another and from the fullness of lived experience.

The times we find ourselves in are heavy and busy. The shifting in the world as we shift our engagement with the intensity of the deep pandemic has many people rushing back to old norms—not taking the time to honor the lessons of the pandemic nor heal from the tremendous losses we all felt.

Grief, sadness, and disappointment are unavoidable and essential parts of the human experience—gateways to deeper love, compassion, wisdom, and gratitude. This workshop will use light asana, meditation, singing bowl sound, and sangha to create sacred space for all of the grief we have been holding silently for the past several years, tapping into the energy of the season and the blessing of community to normalize the expression of grief and hold space for one another.

The way forward is through our present suffering together, not alone. Rather than feel alone with your grief and sadness, let us bear one another's burdens in love.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 2 - Lotus Rising - Planting Seeds for Our Dreams In the Muck Of Our Times 1 - 3pm 

Over the past several years many inconvenient truths in our society writ large and in the yoga community have been laid bare. And it's up to us to do the work of internally and externally of rebuilding our society in accordance with the better angels of our nature.

It can seem hopeless and exhausting to do the hard and necessary work of re-imagining and creating a world that is more civically engaged, just and pro-human (as opposed to only anti-racist and exclusionary). But what if we viewed this work as more of a dance than hiding behind commonly held notions of it being 'hard work'. We can do hard things and doing hard things can be fun.

Yogic practice is not about creating a cocoon of comfort and willful ignorance, but about increasing our comfort with discomfort and standing on the values of truth, love, service, peace and reducing the suffering of all beings.

This workshop will use conversation, journaling, asana and meditation to create a container of compassionate imagination, enabling us to see our times as the beginning of our Renaissance rather than the end of days.


$80/Early Bird; $100 (Day of Event) for Sat/Sun afternoon workshops, or per session $45/Early Bird; $55/Day of Event for Sat/Sun afternoon workshops.

Special Saturday Evening Event

SATURDAY OCTOBER 1 - Blues Flow - A Soulful Flow for Healing and Liberation 6PM - 7:30PM

Blues music is a uniquely American style that opens us up to deep feelings within our heart and soul. Born in the post-Civil War South and nurtured in the harsh fires of Reconstruction and Jim Crow, the blues were the anthem of the oppressed giving voice to and relief from harsh realities and difficult times.

Given all we have been through individually and collectively, let us channel the power of the blues through physical practice to achieve emotional freedom and physical release. This class will feature blues classics, acoustic and lyrical, and a loosely led asana sequence so participants can hold space for their thoughts and feelings to create shifts toward more freedom in mind, body and spirit.

So, whether you think you know yoga or not, come infuse your spirit and move your body to the blues, to make way for defiant joy and freedom in the heart.

Cost: $20/Early Bird; $25/Day of Event - This workshop only

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